Days Gone By

Song by Jon Gibson



It’s hard to let go of the pain of bad experiences or unrealized dreams, waiting for some kind of healing, resolution, or vindication. Many try to psychologically or religiously reconcile their pain, abuse or victimhood, seeking a cosmic answer to “why.” We need to understand, that there are many parties involved or “at fault” in every event. Our part, other’s free will, and spiritual influences.

Jesus took the punishment of our fault or sin on Himself, so that we could be free, whole, and restored again, to Him. We may or may not see a satisfying answer in this life, but He can give us the strength we need to get through it until then. It’s important to know that trust is earned, especially after being betrayed, but we must always forgive, and hold no grudges, as this helps us from being poisoned and is crucial for our own sanity and healing.

“Looking diligently, lest any man fails of the Grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled” Hebrews 12:15 KJV.

We all have regrets and wish we could “do it over again,” but need to give our past to Jesus, so He can take over our future and fix whatever or whoever he needs to, without our resentment getting in the way. He only has our best interest in mind.

“For I know the plans (or thoughts) I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 ESV.

As a young energetic Christian of 14 years old, my zeal and abandon hurt many of my loved ones. I was amazed that people didn’t know He was the answer to existence and life itself, so I tried to force them to accept Jesus through condemnation rather than love. Satan likes to deceive Christians with legalism, pride and idolatry, to make them outwardly productive but inwardly ineffective.

I’ve witnessed to people on bus benches and passed out thousands of tracts on street corners, but nothing compared to hearing the Holy Spirit lead me to a person or place. The Lord can redirect us back into His perfect will, if we have an open heart. We as Christians don’t always know why or how God orchestrates the events of our lives, but trust that He will help us appreciate Him and His gifts, such as humility.

“And we know, that ALL things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are The Called -according to His Purpose.” Romans 8:28 KJV.

Pastor Skip Heitzig said “Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, but Hope looks ahead.” Enjoy the life you have now, give the Lord the throne of your heart, the freedom to reconcile the past and take over your future. Remember, being a real Christian IS about who you are, not just about what you do or say. You are not who the world says you are, or what you think you are, you are who GOD says you are, made in His image to bring Him Glory.

“In the multitude of my (anxious) thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul.” Psalm 94:19 AMP. The Lord truly is the delight of our soul.

Your Brother, Oscar.

Bonus Song: “If we could see beyond today,” by Christine Wyrtzen.

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