Love Is A Two-Way Street

Song By Billy Sprague

God has feelings and loves our recognition of who He is and what He does. The book of Psalms is filled with songs for God and of all His wonderous works. The Lord can get mad, sad, hate, love and regret but not in the same anthropomorphic (humanized) sense that we do. This is similar to reconciling the love of God with the justice of God.

God “regretted” that He made Saul king, at the request of His people and even regretted that he made mankind, because of how far they went to indulge in evil. God wants to be loved, respected and honored, and is hurt when we don’t take Him at his Word.

Understanding that God can experience emotions and that His heart can be broken by us, helps us better see how valuable and precious we are to Him. We could never repay God for all that He has done for us but we can express our appreciation through Praise and Worship.

Its hard to explain the adoration of God to someone who has not experienced His forgiveness. When Jesus was visiting Simon-Peter, a woman there washed His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. When asked why she would do this, Jesus responded that she loved much, because she was forgiven much, (Luke 7:47).

God never demands our love, but is delighted when we express our affection for Him, through adoration and taking Him at His word. Love is a two-street.


I wanted to bless you with one more song about God’s forgiveness and what He thinks of us.

Don Francisco, Beautiful to Me


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